Wednesday, October 31, 2012

chapter 4

when i entered my mum's room she saw that i was down so that first thing she did was say"yuma ajwan shfeech? laish za3lana?"
me:yuma moo za3lana bs mitwahga moo 3arfa shasawi:(
mum: laish sh9ayir?
me:yuma ana 7abayt wa7id oo ohwa ga9 3alay oo gali ina y7ibni oo ina we will be together forever oo 7achi fathi ana 9adagta oo we broke up 3 months ago oo now 7abeebta il yideeda im6al3a 7achi 3ani oo the whole school believes it oo no 6ila3 il 7achi bara il school oo almost all the teenagers in kuwait are talking about it.
mum:shgalat 3anich?
me:galat 7ag everyone ina i was in a relationship with three other guys in the same time i was with my boyfriend oo yuma il madrisa kilha im9adga:'( 7ata mariam im9adga:'( oo 7amani dag 3alay ilyoum oo zafni oo gali ina 5arabt sum3at il 3ayla oo ina he believes that i did what they say i did:'( yuma ma buga a7ad on my side:'( *crying hardly*
mum:7abeebti ajwano latza3leen nafsich , allah isma7hom oo il dinya dawara bs be sure that the people who stand by your side in a time like this are the people that are truely your friends.
me: inzain yuma bitgooleen 7ag oobooy?
mum: la 7abeebti la ingoola a7san li2ana ma ra7 yifham oo byzifich oo he wont trust u anymore, 5ali sir bayni oo baynich oo youm il a7ad ana ayee ma3ach il madrisa oo baroo7 akalim il nathra 3ashan we solve this problem.
me: ok yuma mashkoora wallah for listening to me and not shouting at me for doing what i did.
mum: ana ma zafytich cuz i went through what your going through oo adri that u dont need your parents shouting at u for a mistake u did and no one is perfect so everyone makes mistakes that we learn from.
me: wallah a7bich yuma<3 allah la yi7rimni minich
*i went back to my room*
checked my phone and didnt see anything except people gossiping about me. i decided to try to try to talk to my friends but non of them answered me:(. the days passed and today is sunday, the day where my mum came to school with me to talk to the head teacher. she parked the car , i went and sat alone while she went to the head teachers office. the bell rang which indicated that we had to line up. i went to class but heard the head teacher say : ajwan alflani please head to my office. when she said that every one looked at me like what else could u have done? i headed into the head teachers office and she said "ajwan tell me in detail what happened and who you think did this"

chapter 3

I got home and saw this on twitter:
“umbaay bawareeha hal bi*ch”
“ma tisti7i 3ala wiyiha?”
“maloomha! Omha oo oobooha ma 3rifaw yraboonha”
“kaaaaak maskeen tamshi broo7a ilyoum ib break”
“shiftaw ajwan? Tabi itwareena inha baree2a=))”
ihni ana wu9alt 7adi , moo kafi ina its in my school, now its on twitter, Facebook, bbm , msn kil shay:’(. I have to tell someone about this or its just gonna get worse!!!
I started think who I was going to tell when suddenly my phone rang, I just ignored it cuz I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. it kept ringing for half an hour so I thought it might be something serious! I picked up.
Me: alu *weak voice*
My cuzin (7amani): intay shimsawya?
7amani: ba3ad tis2ileen?
Me :………
7amani: 5arabtay suma3t il 3ayla kilha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: I didn’t do anything:’( wallah ma sawayt shay *started crying* they r roumers:’(
7amani: sorry ajwan bs magdar a9adgich until I see proof in front of me that u didnt do what all of Kuwait is talking about.
he hangs up
great! Just great! Now even my family members hate me! When I closed the phone I saw that my msn had signed out because someone else had signed in on a different device. I tried signing in and it did but what I saw was unbelievable. My msn was full of guys I don’t even know and my pm was come get me boys. Ok now I was furious, how sick does a person have to be to do all this to a person!!
The only thing I wanted to do was tell someone……. My mum..

chapter 2

i woke up thursday morning depressed, i thought i had lost everything i ever owned , i thought i could never love anyone after him, but oh well today is thursday so i have school and i have to get ready. I got to school late and went to class, every where i went i felt like people were trying to avoid me.i got fed up of being ignored so i went to my best friend Mariam and asked her whats wrong and this is what she told me "intay shinu? shloan yaaya il madrissa oo intay imsawya ili imsawyita? dont u feel guilty at all?"
me: ana shimsawya :s?
mariam: ba3ad tis2lieen ha so2al?
*popular girl passes by and mariam is quiet chinha moo gaam it7acheeni*
me:*tearing up* mariam plz goleeli sh9ayir!!!
mariam: u really dont know?*surprised*
me: know what?
mariam: ajwan the whole school knows that u were cheating on your boyfriend with 3 other guys and they asked the guys and the guys said yes that you were together.
me: WTF? Mariam you acctually believe that?*starts crying*
mariam: im sorry ajwan! i shouldent be talking to u cuz mabi sim3iti ti5tirib:( and right now i do believe it cuz i have no proof that it isn't true
*mariam leaves me and im left alone*
i walked the whole break alone, everywhere i went people were giving me dirty stares and pointing and gossping about me , at this point i was burning on the inside , i wanted to know who started these roumers about me.The first person i thought of my ex's girlfriend.
she hated me and she hated the fact that i still had feelings for my ex so im sure she wanted to get me back.
its finally 2:30 and not a single one of my friends had spoken to me all day.
i got home , picked up my phone and guess what i saw.......

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

and so you decide to read my blog? well this blog isn't all about love! it's about problems and how things are ruining my life..about my dark past&about my haters.
I'm Ajwan and i'm only 15 years old..enough about me..keep reading!

Jan/2010-   so it all started with "love"& "relationship" it's what all of us do! 
i started loving this guy that seemed perfect to me but he sure wasn't..i was his girlfriend for 10 months but then? he says he doesn't love me anymore. I knew love wasn't right but yeah oh well.After few weeks i knew he had a girlfriend! she was like the "popular girl in school" sowlif i'll madaris-.- everyone was her friend:/ faj2aa she started annoying me w started thinking ina i still have feelings for my ex..well she was right! i still had feelings i couldn't  just forget him!

On March 2010 she asked all my friends if i still had feelings for him..few months after the break up! and some where so fake galoolaha ina i did:) all she said was "ana awareeha" she didn't really scare me..but when i knew that she went and told the whole school some bad things about me! they call it "rumors"..

the story just begins..