Wednesday, October 31, 2012

chapter 3

I got home and saw this on twitter:
“umbaay bawareeha hal bi*ch”
“ma tisti7i 3ala wiyiha?”
“maloomha! Omha oo oobooha ma 3rifaw yraboonha”
“kaaaaak maskeen tamshi broo7a ilyoum ib break”
“shiftaw ajwan? Tabi itwareena inha baree2a=))”
ihni ana wu9alt 7adi , moo kafi ina its in my school, now its on twitter, Facebook, bbm , msn kil shay:’(. I have to tell someone about this or its just gonna get worse!!!
I started think who I was going to tell when suddenly my phone rang, I just ignored it cuz I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. it kept ringing for half an hour so I thought it might be something serious! I picked up.
Me: alu *weak voice*
My cuzin (7amani): intay shimsawya?
7amani: ba3ad tis2ileen?
Me :………
7amani: 5arabtay suma3t il 3ayla kilha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: I didn’t do anything:’( wallah ma sawayt shay *started crying* they r roumers:’(
7amani: sorry ajwan bs magdar a9adgich until I see proof in front of me that u didnt do what all of Kuwait is talking about.
he hangs up
great! Just great! Now even my family members hate me! When I closed the phone I saw that my msn had signed out because someone else had signed in on a different device. I tried signing in and it did but what I saw was unbelievable. My msn was full of guys I don’t even know and my pm was come get me boys. Ok now I was furious, how sick does a person have to be to do all this to a person!!
The only thing I wanted to do was tell someone……. My mum..

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