Wednesday, October 31, 2012

chapter 2

i woke up thursday morning depressed, i thought i had lost everything i ever owned , i thought i could never love anyone after him, but oh well today is thursday so i have school and i have to get ready. I got to school late and went to class, every where i went i felt like people were trying to avoid me.i got fed up of being ignored so i went to my best friend Mariam and asked her whats wrong and this is what she told me "intay shinu? shloan yaaya il madrissa oo intay imsawya ili imsawyita? dont u feel guilty at all?"
me: ana shimsawya :s?
mariam: ba3ad tis2lieen ha so2al?
*popular girl passes by and mariam is quiet chinha moo gaam it7acheeni*
me:*tearing up* mariam plz goleeli sh9ayir!!!
mariam: u really dont know?*surprised*
me: know what?
mariam: ajwan the whole school knows that u were cheating on your boyfriend with 3 other guys and they asked the guys and the guys said yes that you were together.
me: WTF? Mariam you acctually believe that?*starts crying*
mariam: im sorry ajwan! i shouldent be talking to u cuz mabi sim3iti ti5tirib:( and right now i do believe it cuz i have no proof that it isn't true
*mariam leaves me and im left alone*
i walked the whole break alone, everywhere i went people were giving me dirty stares and pointing and gossping about me , at this point i was burning on the inside , i wanted to know who started these roumers about me.The first person i thought of my ex's girlfriend.
she hated me and she hated the fact that i still had feelings for my ex so im sure she wanted to get me back.
its finally 2:30 and not a single one of my friends had spoken to me all day.
i got home , picked up my phone and guess what i saw.......

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