Monday, November 12, 2012

chapter 10

sorry i was kind of busy! here's chap 10;
ok so i have no choice but to change schools:) its not a big deal since i have no friends left in my school right now so it wont be like i was letting go of something huge or anything. i kept thinking until i suddenly found the sun in front of me, apparently i slept while i was thinking , i kept thinking of which school to go to , i couldn't think of any school to go to except a few and i didnt really wanna go to any other school since all the teachers in my school know me and i'm a good student here, i don't want to work really hard again to prove that i am a good student. so i decided on a school to go to and for some reason i felt the urge to call fai9al. if i call what should i say? should i tell him i decided on a school?
ok lets give this a try who knows he might give me more advice
fai9al:alu , la7tha shabab ba6la3 bara shway
me: sorry if im disturbing u
fai9al: la 3adi bs bashray, did u decide what your going to do?
me: ee i5tart aroo7 *** since no one from that school has spoke to me about the roumers
fai9al: 7ilfaaay! thats my school! i guess im gonna be seeing u alot!:D
*ok i don know why but i was kinda excited when he said he is gonna be seeing me alot*
me: yaaay! yallah bye bagool 7ag oomi ba3dain adig 3alaik oo agoolik ish9aar:D
fai9al: ok bye for now
me: looool bye for now!
*hangs up* ok talking to him was comforting i made me feel less lonely , i feel he is the only person that cares, im not falling in love with him cuz i dont know him!
so ri7t 3ind oomi oo gitlaha oo galatli itha hatha ili birayi7ni then yes she will change my school.
at this moment i was really happy, fai9al was part of my happiness and also the thought that all the roumers that are going on about me are going to stop. i hope going to a new school meant starting a new life....

Saturday, November 3, 2012

chapter 9

me: alu *shaky voice*
.....: alu ma3ay ajwan alflani
me: ee minu ma3ay?
......: i5ti ana fai9al alflani
me: tfathal o5ooy shba'3ayt
fai9al: i heard about your story oo rab3ee galoali inich bit*h oo dazoali captures of msn chats where u tell people inich ga** bs adri ina moo 9ij cuz this sort of thing happened to my sister oo i just wanted to help u
me: thank u but what can u help me with?
fai9al: add me on bbm oo agoolich
me: umm
fai9al: adri inha shwaya 8awiya bs wallah i just wanna help u please?
me: ok pin: ******** (i added him because i had no choice and i needed all the help i could get)
fai9al: ok bye , il7een asaweelich add
me: bye
*he hung up*
*on bbm*
fai9al: hi
fai9al: ok look when my sister had these troubles first of she started off by not caring and continuing because bullies hate it when the person they are trying to hurt isnt getting hurt
me: im already hurt , im hurt so much all i wanna do is die!
fai9al: ajwan just relax, shoofay 3ogoub chthi if they didnt stop you go to the head teacher ib you school.
me: done that and things got worse after i spoke to her
fai9al: ok a5ir 7al 3indich is ina u change schools because trust me if u stay in your and act like you are sad they will keep hurting u because bullies like to see there victims in pain
me: bs wayn aroo7? all of kuwait knows!
fai9al: change schools trust me , my sister did it oo everything stopped:)
me: ok ra7 akalim my parents about this..
( i didn't know if i should trust him! yimkin ohwa ba3ad wa7id minhom..but he is the only one yigdar iysa3idnee i guess:(

chapter 8

i got home and saw that i had 23 bbm's  , 14 whats app's and 3 text messages
i was surprised since no one ever sends text messages anymore:p they were from three unknown numbers and they all asked the same weird question "9ij g**ba? cham illayla?" i was shocked so then i looked at whats app they were all the same question!!! i was so scared, so i opened bbm to see if it explained whats going on and to my luck it did:D i had 17 requests from guys i dont know and bbm's from my friends and from my cousin, i looked at my friends and they almost all said the same thing "we knew that you are a bi*ch"and "we shouldn't have forgiven u" and "did u sleep with wahab 3ashan ygool that he did the roumers when they were actually true"*i started crying* did people actually think that about me:'( i'm not what they say i am ! why are they doing this to me:'( i cried harder and harder each second , i decided to switch my phone but when i closed the bbm app i saw that there was a conversation i hadn't read so i re opened it to see what it said , it was my cousins chat and it had 3 picture i looked at them and i was about to die from a heart attack. They were msn chats with 3 guys and the email was my email. the chats went like this:
me: hi baby<3
guy: hi:s
me: im a bad bi*ch and i want a great night and my price is cheap
guy: ahalich moo 3arfeen yraboonich agool roo7ay 3ind a7ad moo mitrabi nafsich oo saway hal ashya2 wiyaa moo wiyaay
me: ok bs gool 7ag rab3k 3ani;)
guy: bye
me: bye 7abeebi<3
here i screamed on the top of my throat oo everyone in the house came to my room and looked at me like im crazy, i said i had a really scary nightmare ,they all left my room and i was still so scared then my phone started ringing and again it was an unknown number , i answered
me: alu *shaky voice*
.......: ..............

sorry 3al bad words x

Friday, November 2, 2012

chapter 7

i found out who made up these roumers about me but i'm still scared , he gave me an evil smile which meant he was up to something but today is finished and tomorrow wahab will go up in front of the whole school and say that the roumers are fake and thats good because maybe people will stop annoying me now. i slept peacefully for once instead of crying myself to sleep.
Mary: jay wake up jay!! its 7 0'clock you will be late!!!!!!
me: ok ok mary go outside and i will get ready!!! *really annoyed because i don't like being woken up*
Mary: no, you get up then i go outside!
me: ok ok i'm up happy? now GET OUT!!!!!!!
Mary: yes i am happy *cheeky smile*
so i got up went to the bathroom did my business and at 7:30 i was in the car waiting for raju to take me to school, i was happy for once because i knew i would be getting my friends back:p
i got to school and for a start i was walking alone, waiting for the morning bell to ring so that wahab would tell the whole school that they are roumers. it seemed like forever before it rang but now it finally rang and people were lining up waiting for the head teacher to come dismiss each year group. the head teacher stood in her place and called wahab to come out and he said this: hey guys i have an confession to make, i made up the roumers about ajwan alflani and she is not to blame, all i was trying to do is protect my little sister.
The head teacher smiled at him and said: your suspension starts tomorrow
after we were dismissed and we got to class our and my friends came up to me apologized and said they were sorry that they thought i would do such a thing and they were sorry they weren't there for me when i needed them . i forgave them since im a very forgiving person oo i dont like holding grudges on people.
the past by well oo i was really happy that i got my friends back so i thought nothing could ruin this day,nothing until i got home.......

Thursday, November 1, 2012

chapter 6

wahab: i made them!
ok now im seriously shocked! what does he have to do with this?:S wahab is the brother of my ex's new girlfriend:p he's the kind of boy that plays hard to get but everyone knows that he's a player.
head teacher: i would like to see u and ajwan in my office immediately!
*we both headed to her office* on our way there he kept giving me dirty stares:) we got to the head teachers office before the head teacher so we sat and was really quiet and awkward 
me: 3adi as2lik so2al?
wahab: im listening....
me: why did u make them up?
the head teacher walked in and we were silent again.
head teacher: ok wahab spill it..
wahab: i have a few things to say, first of all it was all her mistake, no one told her to keep loving her ex after they broke up, second she is my little sister, its my job to protect her and do anything to make sure she is safe and as far as i know she hurt my little sister so i did what i had to do to make sure she learnt her lesson and didnt hurt my sister again.
me: shaku i hurt her? shim2alfa 3alayk i5tik? i still love my ex and she didnt like it so she started hurting me , all i did was ignore.
head teacher: so u admit to the roumers you made up?
wahab: yes i admit and im ready for my punishment.
head teacher: since you admit i wont give you a very rough punishment.
wahab: i accept any punishment
head teacher: you will get 3 day suspension and you have to stand in my announcement place and tell everyone that you made up these roumers about ajwan
wahab: ok, i will do it *looks at me and give me an evil smile*
wow is wahab really gonna do it? is he gonna give up this easily? he must be behind something because he gave me an evil smile.........

chapter 5

me: It all started when i fell in love with this guy in my class called ******. we were in a relationship for a while but then he suddenly left, a few weeks later i found out that he was in a relationship with someone else. since that day his new girlfriend hasn't stopped annoying me and you can also say that she bullied me. she name called me , pushed me around and made a fool of me in front of everyone. I just ignored her and moved on, a couple of days after that everyone was avoiding and no one wanted to speak to me so i asked my best friend what was going on and she told me that people are saying i had 3 other boyfriends at the same time i was with my boyfriend. At that moment i was shocked because even she refuses to talk to me so that her reputation wont get ruined. Again i ignored and thought that people will forget and let it go but when i got home i saw that everyone was talking about it on social networks such as twitter, Facebook and bbm. then i cried my pain out , as i was crying my cousin called me and told me that i had ruined the reputation of this family and he believes what is being said and that made me sure that people wont forget and that it was what everyone in kuwait is talking about.
head teacher: do u have any proof that she is the one that made up these roumers about u ?
me: no but she is one of my only haters so i'm positive that she did it.
head teacher: now you go back to class and at first break i will come out and make an announcement for someone to own up, if someone owns up then he shall be severely punished , if no one owns up then i will have to punish each year group separately until someone owns up.
me: ok thank you miss , this really means a lot to me because nothing means more to me than my reputation.
head teacher: its my job to keep this school running smoothly.
*i left her office and headed to class*
the lesson's passed by and now is first break so its time to see who made up these sick roumers about me:D, but before i was able to find i had to walk alone until break finished:(.happily timed passed by quick and now break finished and the head teacher came out and stood in her usual place and said: there have been roumers going around about some students in school and im sure you all know who im talking about , so to avoid getting your friends in trouble the person who made up these roumers should be brave and own up so that he can be put through minor punishments.
............: i made them
OMG! it cant be:O