Thursday, November 1, 2012

chapter 6

wahab: i made them!
ok now im seriously shocked! what does he have to do with this?:S wahab is the brother of my ex's new girlfriend:p he's the kind of boy that plays hard to get but everyone knows that he's a player.
head teacher: i would like to see u and ajwan in my office immediately!
*we both headed to her office* on our way there he kept giving me dirty stares:) we got to the head teachers office before the head teacher so we sat and was really quiet and awkward 
me: 3adi as2lik so2al?
wahab: im listening....
me: why did u make them up?
the head teacher walked in and we were silent again.
head teacher: ok wahab spill it..
wahab: i have a few things to say, first of all it was all her mistake, no one told her to keep loving her ex after they broke up, second she is my little sister, its my job to protect her and do anything to make sure she is safe and as far as i know she hurt my little sister so i did what i had to do to make sure she learnt her lesson and didnt hurt my sister again.
me: shaku i hurt her? shim2alfa 3alayk i5tik? i still love my ex and she didnt like it so she started hurting me , all i did was ignore.
head teacher: so u admit to the roumers you made up?
wahab: yes i admit and im ready for my punishment.
head teacher: since you admit i wont give you a very rough punishment.
wahab: i accept any punishment
head teacher: you will get 3 day suspension and you have to stand in my announcement place and tell everyone that you made up these roumers about ajwan
wahab: ok, i will do it *looks at me and give me an evil smile*
wow is wahab really gonna do it? is he gonna give up this easily? he must be behind something because he gave me an evil smile.........

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