Saturday, November 3, 2012

chapter 9

me: alu *shaky voice*
.....: alu ma3ay ajwan alflani
me: ee minu ma3ay?
......: i5ti ana fai9al alflani
me: tfathal o5ooy shba'3ayt
fai9al: i heard about your story oo rab3ee galoali inich bit*h oo dazoali captures of msn chats where u tell people inich ga** bs adri ina moo 9ij cuz this sort of thing happened to my sister oo i just wanted to help u
me: thank u but what can u help me with?
fai9al: add me on bbm oo agoolich
me: umm
fai9al: adri inha shwaya 8awiya bs wallah i just wanna help u please?
me: ok pin: ******** (i added him because i had no choice and i needed all the help i could get)
fai9al: ok bye , il7een asaweelich add
me: bye
*he hung up*
*on bbm*
fai9al: hi
fai9al: ok look when my sister had these troubles first of she started off by not caring and continuing because bullies hate it when the person they are trying to hurt isnt getting hurt
me: im already hurt , im hurt so much all i wanna do is die!
fai9al: ajwan just relax, shoofay 3ogoub chthi if they didnt stop you go to the head teacher ib you school.
me: done that and things got worse after i spoke to her
fai9al: ok a5ir 7al 3indich is ina u change schools because trust me if u stay in your and act like you are sad they will keep hurting u because bullies like to see there victims in pain
me: bs wayn aroo7? all of kuwait knows!
fai9al: change schools trust me , my sister did it oo everything stopped:)
me: ok ra7 akalim my parents about this..
( i didn't know if i should trust him! yimkin ohwa ba3ad wa7id minhom..but he is the only one yigdar iysa3idnee i guess:(

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