Friday, November 2, 2012

chapter 7

i found out who made up these roumers about me but i'm still scared , he gave me an evil smile which meant he was up to something but today is finished and tomorrow wahab will go up in front of the whole school and say that the roumers are fake and thats good because maybe people will stop annoying me now. i slept peacefully for once instead of crying myself to sleep.
Mary: jay wake up jay!! its 7 0'clock you will be late!!!!!!
me: ok ok mary go outside and i will get ready!!! *really annoyed because i don't like being woken up*
Mary: no, you get up then i go outside!
me: ok ok i'm up happy? now GET OUT!!!!!!!
Mary: yes i am happy *cheeky smile*
so i got up went to the bathroom did my business and at 7:30 i was in the car waiting for raju to take me to school, i was happy for once because i knew i would be getting my friends back:p
i got to school and for a start i was walking alone, waiting for the morning bell to ring so that wahab would tell the whole school that they are roumers. it seemed like forever before it rang but now it finally rang and people were lining up waiting for the head teacher to come dismiss each year group. the head teacher stood in her place and called wahab to come out and he said this: hey guys i have an confession to make, i made up the roumers about ajwan alflani and she is not to blame, all i was trying to do is protect my little sister.
The head teacher smiled at him and said: your suspension starts tomorrow
after we were dismissed and we got to class our and my friends came up to me apologized and said they were sorry that they thought i would do such a thing and they were sorry they weren't there for me when i needed them . i forgave them since im a very forgiving person oo i dont like holding grudges on people.
the past by well oo i was really happy that i got my friends back so i thought nothing could ruin this day,nothing until i got home.......

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