Monday, November 12, 2012

chapter 10

sorry i was kind of busy! here's chap 10;
ok so i have no choice but to change schools:) its not a big deal since i have no friends left in my school right now so it wont be like i was letting go of something huge or anything. i kept thinking until i suddenly found the sun in front of me, apparently i slept while i was thinking , i kept thinking of which school to go to , i couldn't think of any school to go to except a few and i didnt really wanna go to any other school since all the teachers in my school know me and i'm a good student here, i don't want to work really hard again to prove that i am a good student. so i decided on a school to go to and for some reason i felt the urge to call fai9al. if i call what should i say? should i tell him i decided on a school?
ok lets give this a try who knows he might give me more advice
fai9al:alu , la7tha shabab ba6la3 bara shway
me: sorry if im disturbing u
fai9al: la 3adi bs bashray, did u decide what your going to do?
me: ee i5tart aroo7 *** since no one from that school has spoke to me about the roumers
fai9al: 7ilfaaay! thats my school! i guess im gonna be seeing u alot!:D
*ok i don know why but i was kinda excited when he said he is gonna be seeing me alot*
me: yaaay! yallah bye bagool 7ag oomi ba3dain adig 3alaik oo agoolik ish9aar:D
fai9al: ok bye for now
me: looool bye for now!
*hangs up* ok talking to him was comforting i made me feel less lonely , i feel he is the only person that cares, im not falling in love with him cuz i dont know him!
so ri7t 3ind oomi oo gitlaha oo galatli itha hatha ili birayi7ni then yes she will change my school.
at this moment i was really happy, fai9al was part of my happiness and also the thought that all the roumers that are going on about me are going to stop. i hope going to a new school meant starting a new life....

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