Thursday, November 1, 2012

chapter 5

me: It all started when i fell in love with this guy in my class called ******. we were in a relationship for a while but then he suddenly left, a few weeks later i found out that he was in a relationship with someone else. since that day his new girlfriend hasn't stopped annoying me and you can also say that she bullied me. she name called me , pushed me around and made a fool of me in front of everyone. I just ignored her and moved on, a couple of days after that everyone was avoiding and no one wanted to speak to me so i asked my best friend what was going on and she told me that people are saying i had 3 other boyfriends at the same time i was with my boyfriend. At that moment i was shocked because even she refuses to talk to me so that her reputation wont get ruined. Again i ignored and thought that people will forget and let it go but when i got home i saw that everyone was talking about it on social networks such as twitter, Facebook and bbm. then i cried my pain out , as i was crying my cousin called me and told me that i had ruined the reputation of this family and he believes what is being said and that made me sure that people wont forget and that it was what everyone in kuwait is talking about.
head teacher: do u have any proof that she is the one that made up these roumers about u ?
me: no but she is one of my only haters so i'm positive that she did it.
head teacher: now you go back to class and at first break i will come out and make an announcement for someone to own up, if someone owns up then he shall be severely punished , if no one owns up then i will have to punish each year group separately until someone owns up.
me: ok thank you miss , this really means a lot to me because nothing means more to me than my reputation.
head teacher: its my job to keep this school running smoothly.
*i left her office and headed to class*
the lesson's passed by and now is first break so its time to see who made up these sick roumers about me:D, but before i was able to find i had to walk alone until break finished:(.happily timed passed by quick and now break finished and the head teacher came out and stood in her usual place and said: there have been roumers going around about some students in school and im sure you all know who im talking about , so to avoid getting your friends in trouble the person who made up these roumers should be brave and own up so that he can be put through minor punishments.
............: i made them
OMG! it cant be:O

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