Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Chapter 13

...il ra8am kan '3areeb bs radait!
me: alu?
thick voice: ajwan? '3ayartay madrisa w 7abate mara wa7da? ma tit3alaman entay? 6oul 3omrich bit'6aleen..
i bursted out into tears not knowing what to do..
i decided to tell ratouj&dalool w faisal
i told faisal and my bestfriends il salfa!
faisal said: ajwan ana walah mu gayel 7ag a7ad!!!!!:/
ratouj said: bs ajwan one of the girls in year 9 is with bader in a relationship and bader is ur ex bestfriend fa akeed galatla ena faisal ya w galina ni6la3 w bader ra7 gal 7ag ur ex?
i was speechless..
problems everywhere!
so me and faisal decided ina insawi nafisna mankalim ba3'6 in school! but he used to give me the cutest looks ever!
6ab3an banat our school mayteen 3ala w some iyrou7oon iysalmoon 3ala and i get so jealous-.-

months passed and it was summer..
no problems for few months and i was simply happy with my life!
faisal asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yess! i was waiting for this moment when gitla yes 6la3t min galbyy!!!! both of my bestfriends galaw we are like the cutest couples in school!

la7'6t faisal 7ail 3a9abyy w moody w 7asaita he changed! but my love for him didn't change..we started talking less! his twitter followers/following kila banat w ana i dont follow wala 9bay 3ashana bs i couldn't say anything..

and so this what happens in one of the summer days:
me: ana ray7a avenues wiya ratouj and dalool
faisal : ana rayi7 wiya a7med w hassan!
me: okayy see youu!
shifta minik w we both smiled at each other. our smile was stopped ib nafs il wagt kina shy! kan aku boys warana it3rfoon some of kuwaity guys laman yil7igoon-.- faj2a alga a7ad warayy 7ail lazig feeni w whispers "emshay asra3" it was faisal..kan im3a9ib laish la7geena w wa9lne to my drivers car w misha! that was the cutest thing ever! 

radait il bait '3asalt wayhe libst my pj's w jumped into bed miskt my phone..gilt khal adish ask minziman mu dasha..ask i open ask i see..

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