Monday, December 31, 2012

Chapter 19

guess chapter 18 isn't the last post 7ag 2012:p

yait noor oo her friends oo rikbna wiya il driver!
jassem ga3id jidam yam il driver ou ana bil'6ab6 wara!
jassem: rou7 shalaih babo
noor was so happy ina her friends ray7een wiyaha il shalaih ma kalimtne wayed kila wiya her friends-.-
it was kinda boring! oo aku one of her friends kila itkhiz jassem:/

finally wi9lna!!!!!!
ri7t foug w badalt to blue shorts w white shirt w nizlt
7assait ina biykoun boring madryy laish!
i tweeted : shalaih
faj2a alage whatsapp from joud
joud: entayy bil shalaih?:o
joud is one of my fav people in this world! she's so funny,pretty and so in love.
me: ee ee ta3alay 7ail malal:(
joud: la 7ada fashla!!!!-.- entayy ta3alay ana bs okhouy bil shalaih
me: okayy 20 mins w ayeech!

libst my toms w gilt 7ag noor barou7 7ag my friend and she said okayy kilish mu hamha:p
i went to joud's shalaih!
joud: a7medo ana batmasha wiya ajwan!
a7med: enzain bs laman adig 3alaich itrideen oo sa3a 10 entay bil shalaih fahma? ana rayi7 il gahwa
joud : okkk
it's so cute! abee okhoo kbeer:(
6ab3an sowlif joud kila 3an her love!!!! but it was so cute shlon it7iba w ohwa iy7ibha w lail7een maykalmoon ba3'6 they say it's early..
we got hungry minkithir ma mishana! ri7na mac kalaina w 6il3na! awal ma ba6alt il bab shift jassem wiya faisal w some guys in my school..
me: joud emshayy ibsir3aa w latlifeen wayhich
mishana 3al saree3 w joud then laughed at me shlon ikhtr3t!
i started thinking..umbayyy:O jassem w faisal friends? w both bil shalaih:O madryy shasawyy!!! khayfa iygoula shayy:( umbayy what if iygoula shayy! aw iy6ali3 7achy! okay 7ady mikhtar3a!
joud: yallah ajwan ana ray7a my shalaih
me: okayy byeee
i didn't even tell her ashoufich later or gi3day i was overthinking..madry shasawyy!!
dashait il shalaih ma kan fee '3air il khadama 7atan noor ma kanat-.-
i stayed ib my shorts oo shirt!
ga3dt a6ali3 tv oo maska my phone akalim my friends

faj2a jassem dash il shalaih he looked at me! a7is ma yabe iyshoufne w ma yabeene a9lan akoun wiyahom bil shalaih so i decided a6la3 ag3ad bara..ba6lt il bab
jassem: wain ray7a?
ana: batmasha
jassem: agoul gi3day bs gi3day it's 1
ana: so tara noor mu mini
jassem: adryy ray7a itnam 3ind her friend rawan omha tawa yait il shalaih
ana: ok shsawe ya3ny? ba6la3
jassem: ma tifhimeen entay?
3ndt w 6il3t for a second tithakart shlon ana w faisal use to fight oo shlon kan rasy yabis

ga3dt 3al ba7ar wila ashouf jassem beside me
jassem: entay wa7da 3needa w tara mane zafich ena kintay wiya faisal bs abeech tinsaina li2na mu khoush wa7id w ana akhaf 3alaich w entayy tadreen akhaf 3alaich w a7ibich 9a7 ajwan?
me: ee i'm sorry! *tears*
i'm the kind abchyy ibsir3a w 3ala ay sibab!!!
jassem: hey entay ya khara mabe ashouf dam3a! ma 3ash min z3lich w ana 7ayyy!!!
i smiled!
jassem: goulele sh9ar bil '6abt
we started talking w gitla kilshayy!
meanwhile i felt sleepy so gitla :yallah ana badish il shalaih w banam!
jassem: yallah goodnight!

faisal's shalaih kan yam shalaihna wila ashoufa ga3id bil balcony w shafna sitting together.. i just didn't care this time.

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